Red Hen treatment of Sarah Sanders has Mike Huckabee worried

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee told FOX Business that for the first time he is worried about his daughter, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, after she was refused service at a restaurant in Virginia.

“I worry because you got people on other networks who say that anyone who supports Trump is a Nazi or they are a racist,” the former Arkansas governor said during an interview with FOX Business' Trish Regan on "The Intelligence Report" on Monday. “That’s absurd.”

Sanders and her family were booted out of the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, by its owner on Friday night because she worked for President Trump.

“It’s an incredible thing when people in the name of their liberty want to deny someone else theirs,” Huckabee said.

Huckabee called out the eatery owner, Stephanie Wilkinson, for not being hospitable and further escalating the situation by organizing an effort to scream at Sanders from the sidewalk of another restaurant she was dining.

“You don’t show your hate, your bigotry, your animosity towards people who are your guests,” he said. “You open your door, you say, we’re open for business, then you treat people respectfully.”

The latest string of Trump administration officials being harassed in public comes days after Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstein Nielsen was shouted at while dining in a public restaurant. Now the Department of Homeland Security is warning employees to take extra precaution in public by not wearing their badges.

Huckabee says the lack of respect over political differences in this country is “desperately sick” and has gone too far.

“Nobody deserves to be treated like this,” he said.