This is how to keep your vacation ‘scam-free’

For anyone gearing up for a vacation this summer, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has shared its tips on how to ensure your trip is “scam-free.”

In a blog post from Thursday, the commission highlighted the need for research ahead of the planned trip, recommending a careful examination of travel specifics. They suggested seeking out references from trusted people on lodging accommodations, as well as travel agencies and packages “before responding to offers.”

“Look up travel companies, hotels, rentals and agents with the words ‘scam,’ ‘review,’ or ‘complaint,’” they added.

The FTC warned of extra costs, like resort fees, and potential taxes. They also recommended travelers have their confirmation details handy to offer proof of the agreed upon rate and amenities.

The agency’s follow-up points warned travelers not to “pay for ‘prize vacations’” and to refrain from signing documents until the deal specifics are clear.

Credit card usage for travel expenses was also suggested, the FTC said, adding that it offered “more protection than paying by cash or debit card.”


Vacationers should also only travel with necessary forms of ID and payment cards as a means to safeguard their identity and information, the agency said. They also recommended having a copy of their insurance card on hand.