US troop deployment to Iran is necessary, former State Department senior advisor says

Tensions escalating between the U.S. and Iran as President Trump announced he's sending a 1,000 troops to the Middle Eastern country.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo promised the latest plan to deploy the servicemen was defensive and not offensive.

But Former State Department Senior Adviser Christian Whiton told FOX Business’ Charles Payne that something needs to be done immediately because so far no deterrents made by the U.S. have worked.

“There comes a point where we’re actually going to have to react to this more with just words and deterrents and talk about protecting shipping and actually take away some of their capabilities whether those are their maritime capabilities or their nuclear capabilities,” Whitton said on Tuesday.

Iran said it’s just days away from stockpiling uranium to levels beyond what would have been banned under the 2015 Iran nuclear deal of which the U.S. is withdrawing.

The U.S. is also accusing Iran of attacking two oil tankers near the Persian Gulf last week.


Iran has denied responsibility and is insisting it does not want to wage a war with America but the recent provocation it has made is forcing world leaders like Secretary Pompeo to take action.

"We are there to deter aggression. President Trump does not want war. And we will continue to communicate that message while doing the things that are necessary to protect American interests in the region,” said Pompeo.