Trump is seeking to protect American people with emergency declaration: Rep. Lesko

President Trump declared to issue his first veto after the Republican-controlled Senate voted to block his national emergency declaration.

“I look forward to VETOING the just passed Democrat inspired Resolution which would OPEN BORDERS while increasing Crime, Drugs, and Trafficking in our Country. I thank all of the Strong Republicans who voted to support Border Security and our desperately needed WALL!” Trump tweeted on Thursday.

Twelve Republicans crossed party lines in in a 59-41 vote and political defeat for Trump.

In an interview on FOX Business’ “The Evening Edit,” Arizona Congressman Debbie Lesko said, "'insanity' has to stop when it comes to the border wall.

“Our number one job in the U.S. congress is to protect the people in the United States and this is exactly what the President is doing,” she said on Thursday.


Maine Senator Susan Collins (R) and New Mexico Senator Tom Udall (D) led the effort to reverse Trump’s emergency declaration with a bipartisan legislation.

“This is an emergency, I support the President and we need to stop it,” Lesko said.

The president declared a national emergency mid- February to fund the wall along the southern border.