NY Times star columnist echoes Trump on border wall: Varney

Tom Friedman is a big-hitter columnist for the New York Times. Imagine my surprise, then, when Mr. Friedman told an interviewer that we do indeed need a wall on our southern border … “a high wall with a smart gate," as he put it.

Since when has the New York Times had anything but contempt for Trump's wall, or anything from Trump for that matter. And now, their star columnist says a wall is what we need!

Something's going on here, and I’ll tell you what it is: The Democrats are beginning to realize that most Americans don't want to be invaded, and we are unwilling to shell out taxpayer money to accommodate the whole of Central America.

Surely, there can no longer be any doubt about chaos and crisis on the border. Everyday we report large organized groups walking across, claiming asylum and then being released into America. They're in. And the caravans keep coming.

One state alone, Texas, has to spend nearly a billion dollars on health and housing for illegals! Not Americans. Illegals. Are voters supposed to just pay up and shut up?

On Jan. 3 this year, Speaker Pelosi said Democrats would give nothing for a wall. The next day she jokingly said, “OK, one dollar for the wall! That’s not funny now. The speaker has backed her party into a corner: She has committed the Democrats to blocking border security.

And some presidential candidates demand no immigration enforcement. Once they're in, ICE would not be allowed to get them out! No wonder we're being invaded.

I'll show it to you again, 2015. An army of migrants descended on Western Europe. On humanitarian grounds, Germany’s Angela Merkel let them in. Disaster. And voters turned against Merkel. Surely there's a parallel to what's happening here. Speaker Pelosi says it’s a humanitarian crisis, so let 'em in!


Not so fast. Now that the chaos is obvious, there's a realization that the invasion is a political disaster for the open borders crowd. Democrats take note.

And since the New York Times is your Bible, listen to Tom Friedman:  "I’m for a high wall."