Elizabeth Warren shuns big cash donors in 2020 bid

Democratic presidential candidate and Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren announced she will not hold big-ticket fundraising events to fund her 2020 campaign.

In a note fired off to supporters on Monday – as seen by Reuters – Warren swore off traditional fundraising methods targeting the wealthy, in favor of grassroots support.

“That means no fancy receptions or big money fundraisers only with people who can write the big checks,” she wrote.

Warren added that wealthy donors will not get special treatment over any other contributor – meaning she won’t host calls with rich supporters, nor give them better seats at events.

While she has already said she will not accept donations from powerful political action committees and lobbyists, the announcement puts Warren a step beyond fellow Democratic contenders. The ability to raise money could be increasingly important this year as a growing number of candidates are expected to throw their hats in the ring.

The senator, who announced her formal presidential bid earlier this month, acknowledged that as a result of her choice, a growing field of fellow primary candidates will likely outraise her. However, Warren’s decision appears to be an effort to align her actions with her rhetoric. The known Wall Street watchdog has repeated calls for sweeping structural reform to address a range of issues – including Washington corruption and corporate greed.

Other Democratic contenders are also concentrating on small, grassroots contributions. California Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris – who entered the race earlier this year – said she raised $1.5 million from 38,000 donors in the first 24 hours after she announced her candidacy.


Meanwhile, Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said he raised nearly $6 million from 223,000 small donors the day after he launched his presidential run last week.

Warren’s campaign has not yet disclosed her fundraising numbers. She said she would hold traditional fundraising events should she win her party’s nomination.