Democrat front-runners rail against the rich, which is what they themselves are: Varney

How many times have we heard presidential candidates rail against the rich: How wicked they are. How unfair the whole capitalist system is. If you've got money, they're going to take it off you.

What gross hypocrisy! All of the Democrat front-runners are multimillionaires.

What are the candidates worth? Forbes dug into it. And here's what they found.

Joe Biden: $9 million. Elizabeth Warren: $12 million. Bernie Sanders: $2.5 million. Kamala Harris: $6 million.

They're rich, by any standard, and none of these four made their money in business: They're government people. And they want to run the government, and take money off other people!

It is Sen. Warren, who wants every big company to get a license, from the government, before they can do business! That's OK with her:  Sen. Warren made her money while working for a nonprofit: Harvard University.

It is Sen. Sanders who used to rant against "millionaires and billionaires,” but since he made his millions as a writer and real estate investor, he now only rants against billionaires!

It is Joe Biden who calls himself middle-class Joe. A $9 million net worth puts him firmly in the upper class!

And Sen. Kamala Harris: She married a wealthy lawyer in 2014.  As Forbes puts it: "She brought the clout, and he brought the money.”

They are the front-runners. One of them is likely to be the Democrat nominee for president. And no matter which one it is, he or she will rant about income inequality, taxing the rich and reforming capitalism.

Sell your houses Bernie, and give your profit to the poor. Write a check to the Treasury, Joe, because you used a tax loophole to get rich. Pay the wealth tax, Sen. Warren, it’s your proposal. And Sen. Harris: You own houses in Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., and San Francisco: You need three? There's a homeless problem in California!

They will do none of the above. Rich socialists never do. It’s your money they want!