‘Stranger Things’ season 3 features several businesses that are now extinct

The third season of the hit Netflix science-fiction series “Stanger Things” kicked up its nostalgia factor by featuring several businesses that are no longer open.

The series takes place in the 1980s and a large portion of the third season takes place in Starcourt Mall, a shopping center in the fictional town of Hawkins, Ind. But the stores in the mall are not all fictional.

Steve Harrington, a recurring character, works at the fictional Scoops Ahoy. Throughout the series, his character and others are seen walking through the mall and shopping at stores like the Gap and Zales. Other familiar stores can be spotted in the background, including Claire’s, Orange Julius and Radio Shack.

If they look carefully, Stranger Things viewers can spot Sam Goody this season. Sam Goody was a music shop that ceased operations in 2006.

Another familiar store spotted in the background was Waldenbooks, a book store chain that was a staple in shopping malls in the 80s and 90s. Waldenbooks ceased operations in 2011.

A sign for Chess King, a men’s clothing store, is also featured. The store filed for bankruptcy in 1994 and closed for good in 1995, according to Bloomberg.

Hot Sam Pretzels also made a brief appearance. The pretzel chain ceased operations in 2005.

Besides businesses, a few other throwbacks are featured in the show, including New Coke, Sharp’s pastel-colored boomboxes and glamour shots. Coca-Cola announced in May it would bring back New Coke for a limited time ahead of the season three premiere.


The season also featured a few retro movie posters in a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it shot including John Carpenter’s “The Thing” and “Back to the Future.”