Amazon: Long Island City, NY and Arlington, VA, fast facts

Residents of the New York neighborhood Long Island City and Northern Virginia’s Arlington are gearing up for major changes after Amazon's formal announcement on Tuesday that both cities will house the e-commerce giant’s new headquarters.

While the announcement has received mixed reactions, the move is expected to be an economic boon to both cities, with the world’s largest online retailer slated to divide $5 billion in development and 50,000 new jobs between the two cities, according to Amazon’s press release.

Here are five things to know about Amazon’s new “HQ2” locations.

1. Crystal City: Proximity to Decision-makers

Less than three miles away from Washington, D.C., Amazon’s new Virginia headquarters will give it a foothold in the nation’s political capital. As tech companies continue to come under increased scrutiny, Amazon’s proximity to lawmakers could help it favorably influence future policies.

2. Long Island City: Cultural Hub

Long Island City’s status as a mixed-use district allows for the unique blend of residential, business and industrial developments within close proximity of each other, creating a vibrant community with diverse cultural and commercial offerings.

3. Crystal City: Transportation Options

Located within walking distance of a commuter rail, three metro stops and Reagan National Airport, Crystal City provides a diverse array of transportation options. With more than 25,000 new jobs coming to the area, residents are hoping the city’s extensive transportation systems will help to alleviate the congestion caused by the population influx.

4. Long Island City: Community Development

New York’s Payment In Lieu Of Tax (PILOT) program will ensure that the benefits of Amazon’s arrival are distributed across the community by utilizing government funding to bolster the development of Long Island City’s local infrastructure. Amazon has also stated its intention to create a tech startup incubator on its campus and develop new green spaces throughout the area.

5. Crystal City: Defense Contractors

Given Crystal City’s proximity to D.C., Amazon will have access to numerous government agencies (including the Department of Defense) and government defense contractors that have offices in the city. As a current contender for the DoD’s multi-billion dollar Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) contract, Amazon’s new headquarters location may make it a more competitive candidate for this, and future, lucrative government contracts.