Lou Holtz: More 'absurd' climate protest to come
Saturday will not be the last time protesters interrupt events like Saturday’s college football game between Harvard and Yale.
Hall of Fame Notre Dame football coach Lou Holtz called climate change protesters storming the field during the halftime of the Ivy League match-up “absurd,” in an interview with FOX Business’ Stuart Varney, adding that it will probably happen again.
Holtz had little patience for the protests but was optimistic that arrests may deter some would-be protesters.
“But the one thing that will help prevent it is 40 some students were arrested. I hope they were put in jail. I hope they were fined,” Holtz said.

Yale punter Jack Bosman watches a protest on the field at the Yale Bowl disrupting the start of the second half of the game between Harvard and Yale, Saturday, Nov. 23, 2019. (AP Photo/Jimmy Golen)
Disorderly conduct charges were brought against 42 people as a result of their remaining on the field after most of the protesters had left, Fox News reported.
Holtz lamented the attention drawn by the protesters away from what had been happening on the field.
“Everybody is talking about the sit-in. They should be talking about the great game,” he said.
Yale was down by 17 points in the fourth quarter but scored two touchdowns in 88 seconds and finally won the game in double overtime, according to Holtz.
“What gives you the right to come in and disrupt this game when there are seventy thousand people in the stands looking forward to the game,” Holtz said.
Beyond that, Holtz noted that protesters at the game did nothing to change the situation with the climate.
Holtz was skeptical of the cause for which these people were protesting.
“I don’t see much difference from the time I was ten years of age. It gets warm in the summer [and] it gets cold in the winter,” he said.
He also questioned the approach China and India take to addressing the climate.
“They do nothing, yet you want us to get rid of all gas, all coal, everything else and fly by the sunlight? I don’t think so,” he said.

Washington Redskins quarterback Dwayne Haskins takes selfies with fans during the second half of a game against the Detroit Lions, Sunday, Nov. 24, 2019, in Landover. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)
Holtz also expressed his displeasure over the actions of Washington Redskins quarterback Dwayne Haskins who missed the last snap of Sunday’s game because he was taking selfies with the fans.
“Let’s remember it’s a team game. You have obligations to your teammates. You should be celebrating with them,” he concluded.