Trump's potential 'immigration czar' Kris Kobach proposes 3 step border fix

More than a month after President Trump declared a national emergency to build a border wall, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, in a letter to members of the House and Senate, cited a “system-wide meltdown” and made an “urgent request” for resources. However, former Kansas Secretary of State and Trump’s reported contender for the White House’s “immigration czar,” Kris Kobach, on Tuesday told FOX Business things should have been much different.

“The president has wanted this wall for so long, we should have had a plan by the end of January 2017 for exactly where were going to build it,” he told Lou Dobbs.

“I've been talking with people on border patrol, on the border, until last week, I had not heard anything, people are confused, they don't know where they will be building this wall, only now are they starting to formulate a plan as to where the new portions are going to be built -- this is ridiculous.”



Kobach also said that the border crisis can be solved quickly in “three major steps.”

FOX Business took a look at the plan:

Publish the Flores Settlement Regulation

Kobach said this would be a regulation that ends the decades-old agreement that defines how U.S. officials can detain entire families together.

“That should be done immediately,” he said. “Then that will stop the caravans from using children as get out of jail free cards and reduce the incentive to bring them.”

Put unused government property to work

Kobach said instead of selling the thousands of empty mobile homes that the U.S. owns at over the Internet, “deploy them, along with immigration judges and a fleet of passenger planes, to border cities and create processing towns that are confined.”

Reform the remittance process with Mexico

In Kobach’s opinion a “powerful bargaining chip” would be to work out an agreement that makes transferring money to Mexico more profitable for the U.S.

“Propose a treasury regulation that says you can’t wire money home in the form of remittances if you are illegally present in the United States,” he said. “That would hit Mexico in the pocketbook, they get about $20 billion a year from remittances.”