Trump’s attendance at White House Correspondents’ Dinner leaves Kathy Griffin craving attention: Dennis Miller

A year after her career took a nose dive after posing with what resembled President Donald Trump’s bloody, decapitated head, comedian Kathy Griffin is willing to mix it up with the commander in chief.

The “My Life on the D-List” alum is offering to host the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner if the president attends this year’s event.

“I’ll host. Free of charge OR Pay Per View????,” Griffin tweeted on Monday.

In an interview with FOX Business’ Kennedy, comedian Dennis Miller said Griffin’s use of a decapitated head as a comedic bit was a “bad tactical error” and the president realizes she is “scrambling” for relevancy.

“Of course she would want to get back in there. I think that would help her, but I am not sure Trump is willing to help her,” he said.

The Trump presidency has turned late night comedy into a partisan lecture series that focuses on anti-Trump jokes.

Roseanne Barr, who will be playing a pro-Trump character in the revival of her sitcom series “Roseanne,” said she is adding realism to her role because it depicts the true working class of America.

“I’ve always attempted to portray a realistic portrait of the American people and of working class people. And in fact it was working class people who elected Trump,” Barr said in January.

Miller said Barr’s sitcom character has similarities to the women who voted for Trump.

“I don’t even think it’s smart, think Rosanne is just authentic,” Miller said regarding Barr’s pro-Trump character.

The annual gala is attended by the who’s who of the political world from Washington, D.C., and even entertainers from Hollywood.

“I don’t know if you’ve ever done that press corps dinner but that is an uptight crowd. A lot of sticks up a lot of tuchuses there,” Miller said.