Rep. McCarthy Calls Regulations a 'Great Hardship' for Small Business
With the 2016 presidential race well underway, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, (R-Calif.), weighed in on some of the key economic and foreign policy factors impacting American small businesses right now.
Rep. McCarthy, on the FOX Business Network's Mornings with Maria, said the political discussion needs to shift away from the divisiveness among the Republican candidates and focus on economic policy.
“The way I look at it any one of those Republican candidates is going to be better than what we have had for the last eight years. So what I am focusing on in the House, and all the House members are, I’d like to see more policy. We’ve got real problems in this country, so we’ve got to get growth happening,” he said.
Rep. McCarthy explained why we need to change government’s approach to economic policy.
“You start from the fundamental base, where you were born doesn’t mean where your lot in life ends up. America gives you an opportunity to rise to a different place. For too long we’ve had this Democrat approach of this war on poverty that has locked people into poverty.”
Rep. McCarthy then talked about why addressing tax reform and regulations is so important to economic growth.
“We have tax reform, because you’ve got to have growth, you’ve two percent or less for the last eight years. That’s why the middle class is actually earning less today and more frustrated.”
McCarthy then addressed why regulations are a major obstacle to small business creation and growth.
“When I was nineteen I created my first business. I was the first to work, I was the last to leave and the last to be paid. It was very rewarding though. Small business creates more jobs than any other place and we are at our lowest point of small businesses being created in the last seventeen years, because of regulation.” said Rep. McCarthy.
He added, “If people walk across America and listen to small businesses, they will tell you regulations are one of the greatest hardships of ever being able to enter a business. The number one thing I’m hearing is government and agencies are creating regulations where they can’t start their small business.”
Rep. McCarthy also discussed concerns about the nuclear agreement with Iran and the Middle Eastern country’s behavior since it was made.
“That should never have been an agreement, it truly should have been a treaty and it never would have been ratified, much like with Jimmy Carter signing the SALT II treaty. But the president said he would hold Iran accountable. If they had broken a treaty, especially with the U.N. and others, there should be sanctions.”
Rep. McCarthy went on to say there are efforts being made on Capitol Hill to press for new sanctions on Iran.
“We have a bill in the House, from our Chairman, Ed Royce, and it’s bipartisan, that will be coming to the floor, that we should put sanctions upon Iran because they are breaking the agreement of what was written.”