Immigrants must be financially self-sufficient says Trump administration or face consequences

The Trump administration announced new rules on immigration aimed at making non-citizens financially independent and less reliant on the U.S. government.

"The Trump administration is taking action to help ensure that non-citizens in this country are self-sufficient and not a strain on public resources," the press secretary's release says on Monday.

The new rule says any illegal immigrant trying to come into the country who has used public assistance in some way, like Medicare, public housing or food stamps, will have a black mark against them when they try to reach a legal status as a United States citizen. President Trump says in order to protect American citizens' benefits, he wants to make sure immigrants are financially self-sufficient.

78 percent of households headed by a non-citizen with no more than a high school education use at least one welfare program, according to the administration.

"Self-sufficiency has long been a basic principle of our Nation's immigration laws that has enjoyed widespread support," the press release reads. "We must ensure that non-citizens do not abuse our public benefit programs and jeopardize the social safety net needed by vulnerable Americans."

We must ensure that non-citizens do not abuse our public benefit programs and jeopardize the social safety net needed by vulnerable Americans.

- The Office of the Press Secretary

This rule affects people applying for green cards as well as people who immigrate to America legally.

Pregnant women, children and members of the military, as well as their families, will be exempt from this rule, however.


It will affect about 380,000 people who are applying to become a U.S. citizen.

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