It's time for Congress to 'grow up,' Sen. Kennedy says

Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) told the FOX Business Network’s Stuart Varney Tuesday that it’s time for the Senate to “grow up.”

Kennedy spoke in reference to complaints from senators that they could not pass health care reform because it was “too hard” to do with distractions and chaos coming from the White House.

“We’re all adults, we were sent up here to do a job, just ignore the distractions,” said Kennedy.

Though he assured that the Senate will come back to health care reform, Kennedy believes it is now time to shift attention towards taxes.

“Right now we need to have one goal and one goal only: tax cuts by November. You can call it tax reform if you want to, I call it tax cuts,” he said.

Kennedy called the United States’ 1.4% economic growth an embarrassment, and expressed that tax cuts will get the country back to a normal 3% growth. He wants tax cuts to come from lowering rates, increasing the standard deduction and giving tax breaks to small businesses.

Kennedy is also frustrated with Senate Democrats blocking President Trump’s appointees. He is calling on Senator Charles Schumer (R-NY) specifically to stop leading the fight against these appointments.

“I would just respectfully ask Senator Schumer to stop jerking everybody around, go ahead. He knows that these people are going to be confirmed. Stop nit picking the rules, let us go ahead and get the president’s people confirmed,” he said.

As of August 1, the Trump administration has had 56 appointments confirmed compared to that of the Obama administration’s 238 confirmed by the same date during his first term in office.

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