Immigration was supposed to be a Democrat issue, but it's not: Varney
Over the summer, the Democrats thought they had a big, winning issue: The border, and the separation of families. Children in cages! Babies ripped from their mothers' arms. The president's approval rating slumped. Immigration looked like a Democrat win.
Now it does not. It was the video tape that turned things around: Why must America accept an army of migrants, intent on busting into our country. Immigration is now a winning issue for Republicans.
Same with tax cuts. They took effect early this year. At first, it looked like another Democrat win. Nancy Pelosi made her famous "crumbs" speech. It was a "give-away" to the rich.
But then the economy started to boom. Record job creation. Record job openings. The political tide turned: Democrats don't say much about the economy now. Mr. Trump is all over it. 70 percent think the economy is "good". That’s a 20-year high for the month before an election!
And let’s not forget the disgraceful treatment of Justice Cavanaugh. The left trashed him and his family, thinking wild, unproven allegations would win votes. It didn't. Cavanaugh is a Republican win.
This is not a forecast for the election. It’s an observation on politics in the Trump era. This president is politically astute. He knows Middle America. The Democrats have lost touch. All they've got is Trump hatred.