Hearings planned on roles of Public Utilities Commission, Edison in San Onofre settlement

A state lawmaker will hold oversight hearings into allegations of wrongdoing at the Public Utilities Commission — particularly its relationship with Southern California Edison, principal owner of the now-shuttered San Onofre nuclear plant.

The Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday (http://lat.ms/1LaOLcO ) that Assemblyman Anthony Rendon wants to examine possible cronyism and improper contacts between the regulator and the power company. Rendon is chairman of the Utilities and Commerce Committee.

A union group requested an investigation into possible meetings between Edison and Michael Peevey, the two-term PUC president who stepped down last year.

A settlement approved by the PUC called for customers of Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric to pay $3.3 billion of the $4.7 billion total cost of closing San Onofre. Rendon says hearings will focus on that settlement.


Information from: Los Angeles Times, http://www.latimes.com/