Brexit Minister: U.K. to Negotiate One Deal Rather Than Sector-by-Sector

The British government will negotiate one deal for when it leaves the European Union, the country's Brexit minister, David Davis, said on Tuesday, rejecting a suggestion that it could try to secure separate sector-by-sector deals.
"We will assess every single concern people raise ... and try to find the simplest and most secure answer to it," Davis told an event at the ruling Conservative Party's annual conference in Birmingham.
"Now, that of course will be different for financial services than it will be for a motor car manufacturer... but it won't be a separate deal, there are no separate deals," he said when asked whether London could negotiate different terms with the EU. "This is about trying to get the best for the entire country ... We're not going to float London off."
Davis said he expected the other 27 EU member states to be pragmatic over the Brexit talks. When asked whether the negotiation would be one where 'nothing is agreed until everything is agreed', he said he thought it would be. (Reporting by William James, writing by Elizabeth Piper, editing by Kylie MacLellan)