Elon Musk announces Tesla Model S Plaid event pushed back

Elon Musk claims it's the 'fastest production car' ever made

Tesla fans who are waiting for the car company's delivery event for the latest version of the Model S will have to wait another week.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced on Twitter early Saturday that the Model S Plaid event originally slated for June 3 has been pushed back to June 10.


 Musk wrote that the car needs "one more week of tweak."

Musk has previously touted the car's performance, saying it can reach 60 mph in under two seconds, which he claims is the "fastest production car" ever made. 

Investors have been waiting for the car since Musk said in an earnings call earlier this year that the car would be available in February. 

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"So we have been able to bring forward the Plaid Model S and X – Model S will be delivered in February and Model X a little later. The Model S Plaid, we’re actually in production now, and we’ll be delivering next month," Musk said on a Jan. 27 conference call with investors. 

However, Tesla didn't produce the model during the quarter, according to delivery and production figures that the company released. Instead, all the roughly 180,000 vehicles that Tesla made from January through March were of its other models, the 3 small sedan and the Y small SUV.

According to Tesla, the Model S Plaid is the "highest performing sedan" ever built with the "longest range and quickest acceleration of any electric vehicle in production." 

The Model Y Plaid has a starting price of $119, 990 and the Plaid+ has a starting price of $149,990. 

The Associated Press contributed to this report.