Trump’s Real Estate Wisdom Popular NFL Locker Room Talk

Former football star Casey Crawford has a new career in housing. The Super Bowl XXXVII champ joined the FOX Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo to discuss how he’s cashing in on a booming real estate business.

After retiring from the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Crawford launched Movement Mortgage at the height of the collapse of the housing market.

“I think in 2008 what was needed in the United States was a new fresh take on mortgages. The biggest providers in the U.S. were collapsing…and regulation was being put on the industry like never before…but people still wanted to buy homes,” he said.

Crawford said he got involved in real estate while he was playing.

“I can tell you in the NFL at the time, a lot of the locker room talk was about housing and real estate. I think our now President-elect Donald Trump once said, the only bad investment in real estate was the one you didn’t make. That wisdom was being passed in the locker room,” he said.

Crawford said his company targets Millennials and aims to make the home buying process smooth and easy.

“What we’ve seen, unfortunately with regulation in the last eight years, is that it’s gotten costly and more cumbersome for most banks to deliver mortgages. We’re able to underwrite and process about 75% of our mortgages inside of seven business days because we use technology, working with the current regulations to keep that home-buying process as smooth as possible,” he said.

Crawford said the company is also the only lender with a mobile and digital application.

“We work with a Peter Thiel-backed fin-tech company, a best in class provider, to provide an incredible easy app for borrowers to be able to apply online and on their phone…we are finding that the mobile and digital applications is democratizing the application process,” he said.

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