NYC attack marks 11th vehicle terrorist attack this year

A man plowed into pedestrians and bicyclists in downtown Manhattan on Tuesday, killing at least eight people and injuring several others. The attack was described by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio as an “act of terror.”

The man reportedly rented the vehicle used in the rampage from Home Depot in nearby Jersey City, N.J. then drove into New York City.

Vehicular terror incidents are becoming increasingly more common, as 11 incidents have been reported so far in 2017. Four of those attacks have been claimed by ISIS.

FOX Business takes a look at vehicle attacks so far this year:

New York City - Oct. 31

At least eight were killed and multiple injured when a man, who police are investigating as a terrorist, drove into a bicycle pathway on Tuesday. The man was shot twice and taken into police custody.

Edmonton, Canada - Sept. 30

A police officer was stabbed and hit by a vehicle driven by a Somali refugee, and the driver went on to deliberately hit four others.

Barcelona - Aug. 17

Fourteen people were killed in two separate vehicle terror attacks in Spain, and more than 100 people were injured. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack.

Charlottesville, Va. - Aug. 12

One person was killed and 19 were injured at a "Unite the Right" rally when the group was met by counter-protesters.

Paris - Aug. 9

A BMW injured six French soldiers in a seemingly timed ambush.

Paris - June 19

A man attempted to attack security forces, ramming his car full of explosives and a rifle into a police van.

London - June 19

A driver plowed a van into a crowd of worshippers outside of a London mosque, injuring 11 people.

London Bridge - June 3

Seven people died and nearly 50 were injured when a car drove into pedestrians on the crowded London Bridge. ISIS claimed responsibility for the deadly incident.

Stockholm - April 7

ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack in which a driver of hijacked a beer truck, killed four people and injured 15 others in Stockholm.

London - March 22

An ISIS-backed assailant drove a truck into pedestrians near the British Parliament, killing at least six people and injuring 50 others.

Jerusalem - Jan. 8

A Palestinian man drove a vehicle into Israeli soldiers, killing four.

Information compiled by Fox News Research.

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