Tim Ryan slams GM for factory move to Mexico as Warren urges US take lead in green tech

Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, center, slammed General Motors for getting a "bailout" and moving a factory from Ohio to Mexico, during Wednesday's Democratic presidential debate. Sen. Elizabeth Warren urged the U.S. to take the lead in manufacturing and deve

Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan slammed General Motors for leaving Ohio in favor of Mexico, while Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren urged the United States to take the lead in developing green technology during Wednesday's Democratic presidential debate.

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"We lost 4,000 jobs at a General Motors facility that rippled throughout our community," he said. "General Motors got a tax cut. General Motors got a bailout and then they have the audacity to move a new car that they're going to produce to Mexico." He said the loss of General Motors hit him personally, but that the exodus of American companies from the US has been "going on for years in northeast Ohio."

"I've had family members that have had to unbolt a machine from the factory floor, put it in a box and ship it to China," Ryan said.

He then called for a new stance on industrials that would bring more jobs to the U.S., particularly when it comes to electric vehicle manufacturing.

"There's going to be 30 million [electric vehicles] made in the next 10 years -- I want half of them made in the United States. I want to dominate the solar industry and manufacture those in the United States," he said.

Warren echoed the call for change in America's industrial policy, saying the current stance of "let corporations do what they want to do" hasn't worked. "Giant corporations have one priority and that's to turn a profit," she said. "If they can save a nickel by sending a job to Mexico, Asia or Canada, they're going to do it."


Warren also agreed the future is in green technology and said she wants the U.S. to be the country that provides it for the future. She said she would be open to having corporations use research in green tech to make "all kinds of products" with one caveat -- they must manufacture it in the U.S. and then sell it around the world. "There is a $23 trillion market coming" that includes potentially 1.2 million jobs, Warren said of green tech.