Trump's fight to open access to experimental drugs
In a subdued and well received State of the Union address, the president not only touched on obvious agenda items like immigration and infrastructure, he also touched some hearts with emotional stories woven throughout the speech, FBN’s Kennedy said on her show Wednesday.
If you have ever known someone battling a terminal illness you know how frustrating it can be to get experimental treatment when you're racing against the ultimate clock. The president surprisingly touched on one of the most sensitive area of personal freedom, the right to preserve one's own life and liberty.
Right-to-try laws, which allow such patients to bypass the cumbersome and heartless FDA bureaucracy, have passed in 40 states and a bill has cleared the Senate. Now the House can do its part so patients can fight with the dignity they deserve.
The president also highlighted a compassionate police officer and his wife who adopted the baby of a heroin-addicted mother in New Mexico, which showed an important liberty-directed shift away from tough on crime “Sessionsisms” toward pragmatic empathy.
The highlight of the night was a young North Korean man named Seong Ho who lost his leg in a hunger-fueled train accident and used his post-amputation crutches to travel thousands of miles across Southeast Asia to freedom. The president pointed out that this is the journey we all share, and hopefully this ideal will guide him in other areas like criminal justice reform as well as immigration.
If we take serious steps to end the drug war it will drastically alter who comes to this country and why as the places that have been decimated by this needless carnage will once again become great in their own right, making America even better still.