Trump touts tax overhaul during Boeing plant visit

President Donald Trump traveled to St. Louis on Wednesday to visit a Boeing plant, where he touted the economic benefits of the tax overhaul he signed into law.

“Six months ago, I promised that we would cut taxes to bring Main Street roaring all the way back, and we did,” Trump said. “We helped Wall Street, we helped Main Street, we helped everybody."

Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg cited the $300 million investment his company pledged to make as a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Of that, $100 million is to be invested back into Boeing’s workforce.

“We're going to continue to put tax reform to work,” Muilenburg promised on Wednesday.

Trump's visit comes amid push back from the CEO community on the president's plan to impose 25% tariffs on steel and 10% aluminum. The world's biggest aerospace company is one of the largest consumers of metal.

Shares of Boeing closed 2.5% lower on Wednesday.

Ticker Security Last Change Change %
BA THE BOEING CO. 186.89 +2.54 +1.38%

Below is a live blog that FOX Business compiled during Trump’s roundtable meeting with Boeing employees.