Trish Regan: The alt-left movement must be stopped

This is class warfare. This is a blame game. This kind of rhetoric is being peddled by people who should know better. They probably actually do know better, but they’ve found a way to exploit the challenges of the moment for their own personal, political gain.

And it should be a warning for every one of us tonight.

You know, I sure hope this alt-left movement doesn’t succeed because, I sure don’t want to live in a world where success is punished — and ambitions are thwarted by big government. That is not the American way — and, it’s certainly not a path for success.

What Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and others fail to mention in their class warfare speeches is that life is all about risk and reward. We make choices every single day of our lives and those choices mean we must give up something in exchange for another.

In economics it’s called an “opportunity cost.” You think Bill Gates would have dropped out of Harvard and toiled away creating Microsoft if he thought the government was going to take most of the company?  Or Steve Jobs -- drop out of Stanford to create Apple?

I mean -- Do you know how many people toil away for years at an idea and they never see any kind of success. But they keep trying because the promise of a reward that is so great and that's all because of capitalism. Would they do that if the government was just going to take it all away, or most of it?! They probably would never begin it, right? And that's how economies stall.

Incentives matter. Dreams matter.

We cannot strip incentives away. Dreams are the foundation of the American dream, which is so intrinsic to who we are.

There’s got to be a better way. The middle class deserves more, without a doubt. But the answer is not to take from high earners and distribute to the poor. Heck, the middle class never even gets to see money when that stuff happens and that’s generally because people like Elizabeth Warren think they’re too rich to qualify for any assistance. So the guy or gal slugging it out working three jobs to putting a child through school can’t get a scholarship because the family owns their own home. And thus an asset the government would rather they take a second mortgage on? 

This whole class warfare baloney doesn't help anyone. You know what it does? It keeps the ruling class -- the Hillary Clintons, the Elizabeth Warrens, the Nancy Pelosis, Chuck Schumers and Barack Obamas of the world -- in charge. It keeps people dependent. You create a dependent population. A dependency the left creates and nurtures ... for votes.


In Venezuela, Hugo Chavez was able to stay in power because he gave the people just enough to get by. His socialist policies kept them down, prevented them from creating or achieving anything. In less than 20 years that approach destroyed his nation's economy.

Do not let the left destroy ours.