Jobs report should inspire Congress to get to work: Budget Director Mulvaney

Democrats have stepped up their criticisms of President Trump’s budget proposal with New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio going so far as to say “some children will die because of this.” White House Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney responded to the rhetoric from the left telling the FOX Business Network’s Stuart Varney, “They’re serious charges, but they are completely unfounded in the truth and they are offered for political demagoguery.”

Mulvaney then accused Democrats of referring to the same list of talking points during every budget debate.

“We did an interesting exercise in the Office of Management and Budget and went back to look at some of the things the Democrats said about the Reagan budgets in the ‘80s, the Bush budgets after that, the George W. Bush budgets in the 2000s and the headlines are all the same.  These are stories that have been written a long time ago.”

According to Mulvaney, much of the language used in Washington, D.C. to criticize the budget differed greatly from the realities of what was in the proposal.

“Most of the dramatic slashing reductions you hear the left referring to in our budget are simply us proposing to grow at a slower rate.”

Mulvaney says the budget proposed by the administration is designed to include American taxpayers in the discussion about how the government spends their money, but “my guess is the left doesn’t want to have that discussion and that’s why you’re hearing them say all these completely hyperbolic and indefensible things.”

Mulvaney then weighed in on the May jobs report, viewing it as a sign of uncertainty in the business community as business leaders wait for more action from Washington, D.C.

“The jobs numbers may reflect industry capital sitting on the sidelines waiting for us to repeal ObamaCare, waiting for us to get to tax reform before they commit fully to this economy.  They like what they see out of the president, you’ve seen that in the stock markets.”

But Mulvaney saw this as a positive, motivating Congress to push through key parts of the domestic agenda such as health care and tax reform.

“But in terms of actually making those investments that drive up the jobs numbers, that drive up the GDP numbers, I think they’re waiting on Congress to act and that should be as much motivation as they need to get back to work.”

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