Hillary Clinton's entitlement doomed her campaign, 'Shattered' co-author says

Hollywood director Spike Lee told the Hollywood Reporter Hillary Clinton thought she was entitled to the presidency and didn’t work for it. Lee mentioned a book, "Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton's Doomed Campaign," and one of the co-authors, Jonathan Allen, believes Lee is spot on.

“It was absolutely something she believed going into the stretch that she should have been doing better against Donald Trump and she believed on Election Day that she was going to win,” Allen said on the FOX Business Network’s Varney & Co.

Allen says Clinton was so confident that she went over her victory speech early on election night, but never practiced her concession until much later.

The book's authors argue Clinton focused too much on raising money in places like Martha's Vineyard, instead of doing the legwork of traveling the country and speaking to voters.

“Amie Parnes, my co-author and I report in our book about how she spent some time at Sag Harbor with Jimmy Buffett and Paul McCartney when she was raising money in August," Allen said. "Sort of making fun of her for not being on the campaign trail, when [Trump] was, she was out raising money, he was out there talking to voters. I think in part in parcel what Spike Lee was talking about.”

He also said there were consequences to giving Clinton a reality check.

“She surrounds herself with people who have difficulty telling her she’s doing something wrong,” he said citing an example from his book were she “goes off” on her favorite aide. “They are doing a debate prep session and she’s just lost the Michigan primary and he’s correcting her and saying ‘look you might want to try this a different way, that’s not quite working’ and she lashes out at him and says ‘you know what, why don’t you try it,’ and she makes him for 30 minutes play her in the debate prep.”