Don Peebles Says He is 'Real Close' to Running for NYC Mayor

Peebles Corporation CEO Don Peebles calls current New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio “corrupt and incompetent,” saying he is seriously considering throwing his hat in the ring for the position come January.

“In think that this city is in such trouble and no one has stepped up to offer leadership to bring us to a better place and with the continued direction that the city is going, it will decline,” Peebles said during an interview with the FOX Business Network’s Neil Cavuto.

The real estate developer said there are currently six investigations underway in the Big Apple, casting a shadow of corruption over the de Blasio administration as New York City taxpayers foot the legal fees.

And with Donald Trump moving in to the Oval Office in 2017, Peebles thinks the public is ready to see more business-minded people in public office.

“Trump’s election in some ways was very encouraging because it showed negative attacks don’t work, and I suspect when people have no ideas and no record to run on they negatively attack. And two, I think the public wants to see more business people and Mike Bloomberg was a great mayor,” he said.

The real estate developer said New York City will become a less attractive place to live and do business in if it continues to implement the policies of Mayor de Blasio.

“All the people that the progressive want to move upwardly are declining. So clearly, this direction we are going on now is not the place we should be in,” Peebles said.

When asked when he will make up his mind about running for mayor of New York City, Peebles said, “I am in that process now.”

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