Timing of Cohen hearing a 'cheap ambush,' staged by Dems for political gain: Varney

No deal. As President Trump said, "Sometimes you have to walk."

It came down to a last-minute demand from Kim Jong Un that all sanctions be taken off immediately. Mr. Trump would not do that. The summit ended, with lunch and the deal left on the table!

The fact that he was prepared to walk away will not go unnoticed in Beijing. He said, “No deal is better than a bad deal.” And, he said, he's never afraid to walk away, even from China. The message is he won't do a trade deal, just for the sake of looking good.

Although there's no deal now with North Korea, there's no backsliding. Kim’s agreement to end missile tests remains in place. And just to emphasize that, our military says we can now intercept and destroy missiles much sooner after launch. That was made public just as Mr. Trump walked.


So here was our president, on the world stage, trying to remove a serious nuclear threat. And what were they doing in Washington? The Democrats were busy trashing and tormenting our president. Because, quite obviously, they hate him. Did you see Rep. Talib accusing Mark Meadows of a "racist act" because he'd asked a black woman to the hearing? That capped it for me. They could have scheduled the hearing anytime, but the Democrats insisted it be held on the very day of the North Korea summit. Whose interests are served? America's? No. It was a cheap ambush, staged by the Democrats for their own political gain.

Bottom line: The president did the right thing. He showed strength and resolve at the summit. The Democrats did the wrong thing. They showed their contempt not just for the president but of America’s standing in the world.

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