Billionaire Mark Cuban: ‘All political parties are useless’

Billionaire investor Mark Cuban took to Twitter on Monday to criticize the role political parties are playing in the current U.S. political landscape.

The 59-year-old businessman weighed in on the country’s political climate after a fan wrote to him saying she would not watch his show, “Shark Tank,” due to Cuban’s outspoken criticism of President Donald Trump. Cuban responded, arguing that Americans “owe a debt of gratitude” to Trump’s supporters “for opening our eyes to issues many of us hadn’t recognized.”

“First issue that comes to mind is that all political parties are useless,” Cuban added. “We would be far better off if we gave up our political affiliation and identified ourselves as American. Political parties are the real ‘Deep State,’ trying to protect their own at the expense of the rest.”

An outspoken critic of Trump before and after the 2016 presidential election, Cuban has long been rumored to have political aspirations. The tech mogul has acknowledged the speculation on several occasions and confirmed that he is considering a presidential run.

“I wouldn’t run unless I have solutions,” Cuban told TMZ’s Harvey Levin on Fox News’ “Objectified” program last October. “If I have solutions then I have something to offer.”

Cuban added that he would “probably” run as a Republican if he opted to pursue the presidency in 2020.

In a TMZ video posted earlier Monday, Cuban was ambivalent when asked for his reaction to a decision by the owners of Red Hen, a Virginia restaurant, to deny service to White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders because some staffers disagreed with Trump administration policies.

“You can make an argument on both sides. … More power to them for sticking up for what they believe in,” Cuban said. “But on the flip side, you don’t want to extend that to minorities, LGBTQ, etc. It’s hard to figure out where that fine line is.”