Bill de Blasio drops out of 2020 presidential race

Democratic presidential candidate and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Friday morning he is ending his White House bid.

“I feel like I’ve contributed all I can to this primary election. It’s clearly not my time,” he told “Morning Joe” hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough.

De Blasio had reportedly raised just under $1.1 million during the first finance filing of his campaign, according to Federal Elections Commission records. 

He announced in May he would be running, and, up until recently, had been stumping across the country. Nonetheless, he has had relatively little success.

"We have a chance to get it right in 2020, and that's one of the things I'll be talking a lot going forward," the mayor added on the morning show. "Whoever our nominee is, let's make sure we are speaking to the hearts of working people and they know we are on their side."

"We do that and we win. If we don't, this is the election that could go the other way."


Just days before he announced his bid he told the press, “I have never run for anything without intending to win.”

Soon after, President Trump mocked the mayor's announcement on Twitter.