Top jobs posted to Monster include tractor-trailer driver, registered nurse, analysis shows

In the last six months, a slew of jobs have been posted looking for potential candidates — and companies are looking to fill some roles more than others.

Monster compiled a list of the top 10 jobs that have been posted on its website, and while several of the positions are technology-related, some roles are completely out of that field. Tractor-trailer driver was among the most posted jobs, and the position usually only requires a candidate to have a high school diploma and driver’s license. The job growth over 10 years is at 6 percent and drivers usually make an average of $71,000 a year.

Many employers are also looking for registered nurses, who make an average of $70,000 a year. The position has a 15 percent job growth over the course of a decade.

A software developer position had the most job growth — at 31 percent — over 10 years. A candidate may oversee a company’s entire software development process such as writing code, testing designs and analyzing users’ experiences. Those who take on the role could make about $99,000.

Other top jobs with a median salary of $70,000 or higher include industrial engineer, network systems administrator and systems analyst.

Product demonstrator and customer service representative positions were also among the top jobs listed on Monster. People in these roles make roughly $30,000 a year.

Computer support specialist, usually part of an organization’s IT department, is also among the most-posted positions. Monster said many companies require a candidate with a bachelor’s degree, but some request a high school diploma or associate degree. The median salary runs at $42,000 with an 11 percent job growth over a decade.

For those who fit, a maintenance and repair technician role would likely involve overseeing “the daily functions of the workspace, maintain and repair equipment, and coordinate the daily tasks of the maintenance staff.” The average median salary is $52,000.


Monster also conducted a survey that showed 67 percent of people believe the job market has moved in favor of those looking for employment. The research found New York City, Houston, Atlanta, Chicago, Phoenix, Dallas, Washington, D.C., St. Louis, Mo., Charlotte, N.C., and Boston were the cities with the most jobs in the first half of 2019.