This is how Americans spend their money based on their education level

A new analysis determined what Americans spend their money on based on their education level.

The study by Visual Capitalist, a media company, compiled its findings using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The company split the education levels into four groups: less than a high school degree, high school degree, bachelor’s degree and master’s degree. The top level was “defined as having achieved a master’s, professional or doctorate degree.”

The first level, less than a high school degree, found the average household brings in about $17,979 income as well as $7,503 from social security. The study noted about 98.5 percent of all the money is spent and most of it is used on housing (23.5 percent), food at home (12.3 percent) and gas and insurance (8.2 percent).

Those with a high school degree bring in about $29,330 along with $9,008 in social security. That group spends about 87.3 percent of their income and most of it is used on housing (21.7 percent), insurance (10 percent) and vehicles (7 percent). The households put about $3,113 aside for savings each year.

Americans where at least one person has a bachelor’s degree earned about $81,629 per year as well as $11,000 in social security, dividends, property and other income. About 68.6 percent of the income is spent and it goes mostly to housing (22.4 percent) and household expenses (7.9 percent). Those households put aside about 16.6 percent of their income to savings.


Those on the most-educated level earned an average salary of about $116,018 a year with an additional $17,000 from social security, property, dividends and other income. About 62.9 percent is spent and 17.3 percent is put aside for savings. Again the most money went to housing (23.2 percent), household expenses (8.4 percent) and gas and insurance (7.2 percent).

Marketwatch first reported a trend with the study that those with a higher education spent more on alcohol. Those with less than a high school degree spent about $102 a year on alcohol versus those with a graduate degree or more that spent about $992 a year on booze.