Why Shares of Acacia Communications Dropped Today

Image source: Acacia Communications.

What happened

Shares of Acacia Communications (NASDAQ: ACIA), a provider of coherent optical interconnect products, slumped on Tuesday following the company's presentation at the Needham & Company Growth Conference. Acacia sounded a confident tone during the presentation, but investors are no doubt concerned about the company's growth story. At 3:15 p.m. EST, the stock was down about 11%.

So what

According to Needham analyst Alex Henderson, Acacia's presentation was largely upbeat. The company stated that it expects continued share gains and growth, with strong demand in China being a major driver. The first quarter may be hit by seasonality in China, Acacia noted, but the company expects business to pick up during the following quarters.

Needham continues to have a buy rating and a $125 price target on the stock following the presentation, but investors aren't as confident. With Tuesday's slump, shares of Acacia are now trading around $57 per share, less than half of Needham's target. The stock has been in decline since October, losing more than half its value in just a few short months.

ACIA data by YCharts.

Now what

Acacia stock trades for around five times trailing-12-month sales at the moment, which prices in quite a bit of growth going forward. Needham's price target prices in even more growth, and it's clear that investors aren't buying it.

Acacia is expected to report its fourth-quarter results in early February. With the company sounding confident, investors will be looking for solid results and optimistic guidance for 2017.

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*Stock Advisor returns as of January 4, 2017

Timothy Green has no position in any stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.