White House Says Schumer Opposition On Iran Deal 'disappointing, Not Surprising'
Sen. Charles Schumer's decision to oppose the Iran nuclear deal is "disappointing but not surprising," said White House spokesman Josh Earnest on Friday. Schumer, a New York Democrat, only has one vote, and the White House remains confident it has the votes to block any resolution of disapproval on the deal pending in the House and Senate, Earnest said at the daily White House briefing. Schumer's announcement "doesn't change our confidence that we'll be able to mobilize a substantial majority of Democrats in both the House and the Senate, in support of the deal and, if necessary, to sustain the president's veto," Earnest said. He said Obama and Schumer have disagreed about Middle East policy since 2003. Asked if Democrats would back away from supporting Schumer's effort to become the Senate Democratic leader in 2017, Earnest replied the White House would not take a position on the future leadership elections but added he "certainly wouldn't be surprised if there are individual members of Senate Democratic caucus that will consider the voting record of those who say they would like to lead the caucus."
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