US senator pushes to get a woman on the $20 bill, suggests Harriet Tubman, Eleanor Roosevelt
A campaign to put a female face on the $20 bill is getting a boost from the first woman to serve as both governor and U.S. senator.
New Hampshire Sen. Jeanne Shaheen has filed legislation to create a citizens panel to recommend an appropriate candidate. She hopes to build on the work of Women on 20s, a national campaign pushing for new $20 bills by 2020, the 100th anniversary of the constitutional amendment guaranteeing women the right to vote.
President Andrew Jackson has stared out from the $20 since 1928, but paper currency is redesigned every seven to 10 years to thwart counterfeiters. The treasury secretary or president can order changes without an act of Congress.
Possible new faces include leading abolitionist Harriet Tubman and former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt.