Trump to nominate Memphis attorney to federal utility board
President Donald Trump plans to nominate Memphis attorney John L. Ryder to serve on the Tennessee Valley Authority's board.
A news release from the White House says Ryder would serve a term expiring in May of 2020 if he's confirmed by the U.S. Senate.
Ryder previously served as general counsel for the Republican National Committee. The party's website says he's a nationally recognized expert on redistricting and election law and has represented Republicans in redistricting cases since 1976.
Ryder practices law with Harris Shelton Hanover Walsh PLLC. He focuses on bankruptcy, workouts, commercial litigation and election law.
Republican U.S. Sens. Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander praised Ryder's selection for the nine-member board.
TVA, the nation's largest public utility, powers 9 million customers in parts of seven Southern states.