Top 20 onshore US petroleum spills since 2010

Keystone Pipeline, oil pipeline

The spill of an estimated 210,000 gallons of crude oil in South Dakota on Thursday from TransCanada's Keystone Pipeline is one of the 20 largest onshore oil or petroleum product spills since 2010. Here are the top 20 spills during that period as reported to the U.S. Department of Transportation. The list ranks them by size and includes the date, gallons spilled, commodity, company name, city or county and state of spill and estimated costs including property and environmental damages.

— July 29, 2013: 865,200 gallons, crude oil, Tesoro High Plains Pipeline Co., MountRail County, North Dakota, $17,755,766

— July 25, 2010: 843,444 gallons, crude oil, Enbridge Energy, Marshall, Michigan, $927,270,213

— December 5, 2016: 529,830 gallons, crude oil, Belle Fourche Pipeline Co., Billings County, North Dakota, $11,334,049

— June 4, 2011: 513,618 gallons, crude oil, Enterprise Crude Pipeline LLC, Chico, Texas, $1,472,079

— October 11, 2010: 428,400 gallons, crude oil, Centurion Pipeline LP, Levelland, Texas, $70,748

— January 19, 2017: 420,378 gallons, crude oil, Tallgrass Pony Express Pipeline, Logan County, Colorado, $345,554

— April 13, 2011: 378,000 gallons, gasoline, Marathon Pipe Line, Dansville, Michigan, $38,661,147

— December 8, 2014: 369,600 gallons, gasoline, Plantation Pipe Line Co., Belton, South Carolina, $3,951,634

— August 29, 2016: 361,200 gallons, crude oil, Sunoco Pipeline LP, Sweetwater, Texas, $4,017,900

— October 23, 2016: 319,326 gallons, crude oil, Enterprise Crude Pipeline LLC, Cushing, Oklahoma, $7,818,638

— September 9, 2010: 316,596 gallons, crude oil, Enbridge Energy, Romeoville, Illinois, $52,284,683

— September 9, 2016: 309,540 gallons, gasoline, Colonial Pipeline Co., Helena, Alabama, $66,234,072

— January 27, 2011: 290,262 gallons, crude oil, Enterprise Crude Pipeline LLC, Iola, Texas $4,834,962

— August 31, 2017: 240,072 gallons gasoline, Magellan Terminals Holdings LP, Galena Park, Texas, $1,340,026

— March 9, 2013:235,200 gallons, crude oil, Lion Oil Trading and Transportation, Inc., Magnolia, Arkansas, $3,538,062

— August 31, 2017: 221,424 gallons, gasoline, Magellan Terminals Holding LP, Galena Park, Texas, $1,292,026

— January 30, 2017: 210,000 gallons, crude oil, Enterprise Crude Pipeline, Anna, Texas, $2,346,925

— November 16, 2017: 210,000 gallons, crude oil, TransCanada Corp, Marshall County, South Dakota, Cost not yet known

— October 13, 2014: 189,378 gallons, crude oil, Mid-Valley Pipeline Co., Mooringsport, Louisiana, $12,049,280

— October 31, 2016: 186,669 gallons, gasoline, Colonial Pipeline Co., Helena, Alabama, $16,844,292