Top 10 New York Stock Exchange-traded stocks posting largest volume decreases
A look at the 10 biggest volume decliners on New York Stock Exchange at the close of trading:
ASA Gold and Precious Metals Ltd. : Approximately 23,300 shares changed hands, a 83.5 decrease from its 65-day average volume. The shares rose $.06 or .6 percent to $10.80.
Blackrock Muniyield Insured Investment Fund : Approximately 3,700 shares changed hands, a 84.2 decrease from its 65-day average volume. The shares fell $.04 or .3 percent to $13.91.
Blackrock Municipal Bond Trust : Approximately 4,700 shares changed hands, a 82.5 decrease from its 65-day average volume. The shares rose $.03 or .2 percent to $16.46.
Empire St OP LP ES : Approximately 2,800 shares changed hands, a 87.5 decrease from its 65-day average volume. The shares rose $.07 or .4 percent to $18.86.
GS GSCI ETN 2037 : Approximately 5,300 shares changed hands, a 93.6 decrease from its 65-day average volume. The shares rose $.30 or 1.1 percent to $28.06.
Korea Equity Fd : Approximately 700 shares changed hands, a 91.8 decrease from its 65-day average volume. The shares rose $.06 or .8 percent to $7.72.
Morgan Stanley Emerging Markets Debt Fund : Approximately 15,900 shares changed hands, a 85.1 decrease from its 65-day average volume. The shares remained unchanged at $9.34.
Nuveen GA Div Adv 2 : Approximately shares changed hands, a 100.0 decrease from its 65-day average volume. The shares remained unchanged at $13.00.
Orbitz Worldwide : Approximately 745,100 shares changed hands, a 83.6 decrease from its 65-day average volume. The shares fell $.01 or .1 percent to $11.76.
Transamerica Income Shares Inc. : Approximately 1,500 shares changed hands, a 83.5 decrease from its 65-day average volume. The shares rose $.03 or .1 percent to $20.36.