The Latest: Lawyer questions Harry Reid's truthfulness

The Latest on former U.S. Sen. Harry Reid's lawsuit against the maker of an exercise band (all times local):

1:25 p.m.

An attorney for an exercise band maker challenged former U.S. Sen. Harry Reid about his truthfulness after he testified that an eye injury he blames on the company led him not to run for re-election in 2016.

TheraBand attorney Laurin Quiat on Friday showed Reid saying in a 2015 video announcement that his decision had "absolutely nothing to do with" his injury.

Reid answered that he didn't want people to think he was incapacitated while Democratic minority leader.

Reid has told jurors that he spun and fell face-first against cabinets in his bathroom when a flexible device he'd looped around a shower door handle slipped from his grip as he exercised.

Quiat questioned Reid about initially saying that the band broke and that it had been mounted to a "sturdy object" or hook in the bathroom wall.


10:45 a.m.

Former U.S. Sen. Harry Reid has testified that his political career was cut short by a 2015 eye injury that he blames on an exercise band maker.

The 79-year-old longtime Democratic leader told a jury hearing his lawsuit Friday that his eye and face injuries were "the main factor" in not seeking a sixth Senate term in 2016.

Reid told jurors Thursday that he spun and fell face-first against cabinets in his bathroom when a flexible TheraBand device he'd looped around a shower door handle slipped from his grip as he exercised.

A company lawyer says Reid misused the device and the company isn't at fault.

Reid is suing Ohio-based Hygenic Corp. for damages. He claims civil negligence and failure to warn the public that the device is dangerous.


This story has been corrected to show that Reid also testified Thursday.