The Latest: China, US trade talks adjourn until next week

The Latest on China-U.S. trade talks (all times local):

Chinese and U.S. negotiators have wrapped up trade talks in Beijing with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin saying they were "constructive."

Mnuchin said in a tweet Friday that he looked forward to continuing the talks in Washington next week.

The representatives posed for photos at a government guest house in western Beijing but did not comment about the state of negotiations in front of reporters.

Neither side provided any details on the status of the talks or said if major progress had been made.

Chinese Vice Premier Liu He is due to visit Washington next week to lead Beijing's delegation to the talks on resolving a dispute over technology and industrial policy. It has resulted in both sides imposing heavy punitive tariffs on each other's exports.


10:10 a.m.

Trade negotiators from China and the U.S. are resuming talks to try to resolve their tariff dispute over China's technology ambitions.

Representatives of both sides arrived Friday morning at a government guest house in western Beijing where they posed for photos but did not comment about the state of negotiations in front of reporters.

President Donald Trump expressed optimism about the talks last week, saying, "we're getting very close." The chief American envoy, Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, said this week questions about details and enforcement remained.

Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin attended a working dinner Thursday night with their Chinese counterpart, Vice Premier Liu He, who is to travel to Washington next week. Talks are due to last the entire day Friday.