Square's Caviar Now Lets Customers Order Ahead ... And That's a Big Deal
Investors in Square Inc (NYSE: SQ) have had good reason to celebrate this year. Shares in the payment processing company are up more than 70% year-to-date. The company's meteoric rise has been powered by its strong revenue and earnings growth reported in recent quarters. In Square's 2017 first quarter, the company reported adjusted revenue of $204 million, a 39% increase year-over-year, and total payment volume of $13.6 billion, a 33% annual increase.
Fueling this strong growth is Square's subscription- and services-based revenue, which grew a remarkable 106% year-over-year. While Square does not always break down the individual components of this business segment, the first quarter's shareholder letter did state that Caviar, Square Capital, and Instant Deposit all "contributed significantly" to the division's growth. The letter also stated Caviar's order volume had more than doubled from the previous year's first quarter.
While many were skeptical of Square's purchase of a restaurant delivery service when it first acquired Caviar in 2014, Square has since proven the doubters wrong by carefully incorporating the platform into its larger ecosystem. The company's leadership has also broadened the service's scope, adding more function so that it is now much more than a simple delivery service. In March, Square introduced Caviar Pickup, a new feature that allows diners to order ahead for their food via Caviar's app or online.
From food delivery to a robust food ordering platform
Caviar Pickup brings the ability to leverage technology to smaller- and medium-sized restaurants only previously available to much larger chains. When asked why the pickup service was introduced during the company's first-quarter conference call, CEO Jack Dorsey stated:
One more benefit in an already sticky ecosystem
Square believes its other differentiating services, such as order management, data analytics, and lending programs, help distinguish its service from the competition. With Caviar, Square can introduce a valuable service to potential restaurant clients and use it to sell these restaurants on its other services.
With existing customers, Caviar is a way Square can deepen its relationships, helping these restaurants serve customers quicker (with its new pickup platform) and more customers than an individual location's capacity (with its delivery service). As these restaurants serve more customers more quickly, they make more money and so does Square. As these symbiotic relationships deepen, it makes it much harder for restaurants to leave Square's network of products and services for competition.
Dorsey has talked many times about Square not offering a series of disconnected services and products for merchants but, rather, a single cohesive ecosystem where every service and product complements the others. Not only do these "add-on" services, like Caviar, represent more lucrative opportunities than just its primary payment processing business, but they grow Square's moat by giving it a stickier ecosystem than its competitors.
10 stocks we like better than SquareWhen investing geniuses David and Tom Gardner have a stock tip, it can pay to listen. After all, the newsletter they have run for over a decade, Motley Fool Stock Advisor, has tripled the market.*
David and Tom just revealed what they believe are the 10 best stocks for investors to buy right now... and Square wasn't one of them! That's right -- they think these 10 stocks are even better buys.
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*Stock Advisor returns as of June 5, 2017
Matthew Cochrane owns shares of Square. The Motley Fool has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.