Small businesses concerned about local infrastructure issues

The priorities that small business owners place on infrastructure improvements can depend on what industry they're in, but many are most concerned about the infrastructure in their area.

That's the finding a survey released in March by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The survey, conducted in January, questioned 1,001 small business owners. Here are some of the results:

— When it comes to transportation infrastructure, the poor quality of roads close to home was most troubling to owners. Sixty-nine percent said local roads needed the most improvement; 44% said highways needed improvement, 30% said bridges did and 25% cited mass transit as needing to be improved.

— Owners were more concerned about the quality of internet service than their cellphone connections — 57% said improving high-speed internet access is a priority compared to 35% who say cellphone networks are a priority.

— Looking at the results according to the industries companies are in, not surprisingly, owners of service businesses were most concerned about good communication infrastructure. Eighty-five percent said high-speed internet is most important to them, and 78% cited cellphone coverage as most importing. Local transportation was most important to retailers, manufacturers and companies that supply resources; it was cited by more than 80% of owners in each industry.


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