Nissan banks on after-sales 'hyper-personalization' revenue

Nissan is going to offer internet access, safety technology and myriad accessory options the Japanese automaker calls "hyper-personalization," not only in new models but also for vehicles people already own.
Nissan Motor Co. Corporate Vice President Kent O'Hara, who oversees the after-sales business, said Tuesday that connectivity, accessories and personalization will deliver 25 percent of his division by 2022, when it's negligible now.
Advances in such fields are accelerating in the industry, and Nissan hopes to be ahead of rivals.
Making the drive personal will be about more than access to the music or seat colors of your choice. Advances in 3-D printing, for instance, will make possible all kinds of designs for your car, similar to how people customize their sneaker designs today, according to O'Hara.