Navy officer pleads guilty to accepting hotels, cash, prostitute in Asian bribery scandal

A Navy lieutenant commander is the eighth person to plead guilty in a bribery scandal involving the exchange of classified information with a contractor that provided hotel stays, cash and prostitutes.

Todd Dale Malaki (Muh-LAY'-kee) admitted Wednesday in federal court in San Diego that he accepted gifts from Singapore-based contractor Glenn Defense Marine Asia Ltd. starting in 2006 with a room at the Grand Hyatt Singapore.

The 44-year-old officer twice accepted envelopes with Singapore dollars equivalent to $1,500 and the services of a prostitute after visiting a karaoke club in Malaysia.

Malaki provided shipping schedules and competitors' invoices to the contractor's chief executive, Leonard Francis, who has pleaded guilty to bribery.

Malaki faces up to five years in prison when he is sentenced July 6 for conspiracy to commit bribery.