Mark Minnella: Timothy Plan rings bell at NYSE, marking significant milestone for Christian investors

Did you hear that ringing sound? It’s 9:30 a.m. ET in New York City, and the sound of the ringing bell signals the start of trading on the New York Stock Exchange. But something is very different today. This time, Arthur Ally, president and founder of the Timothy Plan family of mutual funds has the honor of ringing in the new session.

So, what’s the big deal? After all, every business morning of the week some executive of a recent IPO, representative of a prominent investment firm or founder of an investment product is given the honor to ring that bell. But this time it is different.

Today, the Timothy Plan is honored with the ringing of the bell to celebrate the launch of its two new Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). But it also rings in a reminder that 25 years ago, Timothy Plan launched the first mutual fund to offer investments that screen for biblical values by prospectus.

It is the sound of a bell telling the world that Wall Street is aware that Christians have a choice, actually, many investment choices.  Or, maybe it is ringing to get your attention and encourage you to be curious about your current investments. 

So, did you hear that ringing? It is the sound of a bell telling the world that Wall Street is aware that Christians have a choice, actually, many investment choices.

Or, maybe it is ringing to get your attention and encourage you to be curious about your current investments.

In the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life,” George Bailey’s daughter tells us that every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings. Though not at all biblical, the idea that an angel got wings at 9:30 this morning made me smile. Maybe it was the angel of investment stewardship.


Do you hear it?

Mark Minnella is president and co-founder of the National Association of Christian Financial Consultants. He designed the first faith-based professional designation program, Christian Financial Consultant and Advisor, in the industry. He has extensive background as a leader in the faith-based investment movement, is the founder of Integrity Investors, LLC, and the author of “The Wall Street Awakening.”