Greek Deal Can Be Reached Later This Week: Dijsselbloem
A closely watched meeting of eurozone finance ministers ended without a Greek debt deal on Monday, but Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem was optimistic about reaching an agreement later in the week. Speaking after the Eurogroup meeting, Dijsselbloem confirmed that Greece had submitted a fresh set of reform proposals Monday morning, calling it a positive step in the process. "The first, general opinion of the institutions was that it is broad and comprehensive. They really need to look at the specifics to see whether it adds up in fiscal terms and whether the reforms are comprehensive enough for the economic recovery to take off again," he said. He stated the proposals can work as a basis to immediately restart talks with Greece's lenders again. "If necessary, and if all goes well it will be necessary, the Eurogroup will have another meeting later this week to hear the final outcome of the talks with the Greek authorities," he said. Monday's Eurogroup meeting preceded an emergency meeting of eurozone leaders scheduled for 7 p.m. Brussels time, or 1 p.m. Eastern Time.
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