Facts, figures about Prison Entrepreneurship Program teaching Texas inmates business skills
The Houston-based Prison Entrepreneurship Program began operations in 2004 and operates now in the Cleveland Correctional Facility in Cleveland, Texas, with plans to open a second unit in a Dallas-area prison this year. Some facts and figures about the program since it began:
— Number of graduates: More than 1,100
— Number of classes: 22, with as many as 150 inmates currently in each class
— Number businesses launched by inmates: 165
— Number of businesses grossing more than $1 million: at least two
— Recidivism rate: Less than 7 percent, compared with a rate of 23 percent overall for Texas prisons
— Budget: $2 million
— State funding: none. PEP is funded entirely on private donations.
Source: Prison Entrepreneurship Program — http://www.pep.org