Egypt: Debris From Missing Plane Found

Greek Defense Minister Panos Kammenos said Friday that Egyptian authorities have spotted a body part, two seats and one or more items of luggage in the search area for the missing EgyptAir flight MS804.
Another aircraft taking part in the search and rescue operation had "allegedly reported more findings in another area, but we have no official confirmation at the moment that they belong to this plane," Mr. Kammenos told reporters during a press conference.
Earlier Friday, Egypt said it had located parts of the missing EgyptAir plane in the eastern Mediterranean, potentially providing the first solid evidence the jetliner had plunged into the sea after swerving wildly and losing contact with flight controllers.
The Greek defense minister said the plane had taken a normal course through Greek airspace and had not deviated.
He added that data clearly shows that the aircraft took sharp turns and plunged, but experts' analysis will determine what happened to the flight.
Mr. Kammenos said Greek military bases on Crete would be made available for allied forces carrying out the search mission.
Write to Nektaria Stamouli at