Developer, Warwick mayor unveil plans for $50 million residential-commercial-retail project
A developer and Warwick Mayor Scott Avedisian have unveiled plans for a $50-million complex of apartments, offices and shops steps from the T.F. Green Airport train station.
The plan unveiled on Monday does not include a mill city leaders tried to save. It's already in the early stages of being torn down to make way for the new mixed-use development.
Developer Michael Integlia Jr. said he intended to preserve the brick building, but saving the building, its façade and four-story tower were not economically feasible. He says the building is "somewhat structurally unstable."
Integlia said he's started to salvage materials such as bricks and cast-iron stairs to be incorporated into the new design.
Details such as the number of apartments and how much space will be used for offices have not been worked out.